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Private Coaching

“Our work is to make ourselves visible in the world.

This is the soul’s individual journey, and the soul

would much rather fail at its own life than succeed

at someone else’s.”

- David Whyte

Through songwriting coaching, I'll support you to:

  • Discover and develop your authentic voice as a songwriter and/or artist

  • Gain clarity on how to navigate the music industry with integrity - less hustle, more joy!

  • Overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs

  • Build confidence in your artistry

  • Learn the keys to masterful songwriting - grow your craft and catalogue

  • Bring enjoyment and life back into your work

Songwriting Coaching sessions with me are...






unique to you

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My Songwriting Coaching Approach

My songwriting coaching is based on the conviction that you were born complete, creative, and worthy, and still are complete, creative, and worthy. Your art and creative expression are both incredibly unique and also universal. While I have tools and skills to offer, I acknowledge that no one knows you or your art better than you.


The music industry is an interesting little monster capable of both astounding beauty and devastating harm. I wish that there was a clear and surefire path to success, but the road is meandering and unpredictable. For that reason, I consider a path through the music industry – like any other sincere path in life – a spiritual one.


And because there are so many things out of our control in the music industry (and life), I like to support my clients to focus on the things that are within our sphere of influence.


To this end, my intention as your coach is to offer you support in three primary areas that I refer to as the “threefold path” of songwriting: The Songs, The Strategy, and The Spirit.


The Songs

Here, we explore how to balance “art” (the free-flowing, formless creativity inherent to all humans) with “craft” (the structures and forms that support turning this art into meaningful a piece of communication and/or commercial product).


When exploring “The Songs,” I support you to identify your growth edges in songwriting so that you’re always deepening your competencies. We look at how art and craft intertwine and nurture each other to ensure that the music you create is both reflective of your artistic identity and successful for your goals, whether you create music solely for personal fulfillment or for your career. This path includes all aspects of the craft of songwriting: structure, form, rhyme scheme, melody, chord progressions, genre influence, etc.



The Strategy

Here, we look at the real-world tangible industry “stuff.” We get clear on when, where, and with whom you need to spend your time, energy, and resources in service of your music goals. This path includes areas like networking, publishing, management, labels, agents, social media platforms, distribution, promotion, etc. My goal is to offer you practical music industry knowledge and guidance so that you can navigate the industry safely with integrity and joy.



The Spirit

Here, we explore the most important path and the one that should be the wellspring from which the other paths flow. This is where we get clear on your “why” behind music – why do you create music? What sustains your connection to your art? We’ll explore tools and practices to stay in touch with your “why” and how can you become a better companion to yourself through a very challenging and constantly changing industry. This path includes transforming your relationship with things like resistance, self-doubt, anxiety, burnout, and growing your relationship with confidence, joy, self-expression, freedom, creativity, and ease.  

Ready to explore if this is right for you?
Click here to book a free introductory call to get to know each other.

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My Music Story

I was born and raised in Nashville, TN in a music business family: my dad is a hit songwriter and producer, my stepmom is an award-winning songwriter and artist, my sister is a songwriter and artist, and my brother-in-law is a musical festival producer and artist manager. Several of my cousins are also professional musicians. Together, we cover just about every genre of music!


Growing up in this environment was such a gift, but it also had its challenges. The music industry is ever-changing and incredibly challenging, and I witnessed many of its growing pains from the 90s to now.


I began my music career at the age of 16 when I got my first major “hold” on a big artist and performed for Congress to advocate for songwriters’ rights. I finished high school then strung together 6 different day jobs for several years until I landed my first publishing deal that moved me to Los Angeles. This was before the “Me Too” movement when the entertainment industry had no incentive to reckon with its practices that ranged (and can still range) from exploitative to abusive.


I had several very bad, traumatic experiences. I realized that if this was how the music industry functioned, I wanted no part of it. So I quit. I left my publishing deal and had a serious identity crisis. I genuinely didn’t know who I was if I wasn’t a songwriter.


Growing up, I’d always found solace in horses, so I started volunteering at an equine therapy facility where I discovered Equus Coaching and began going as a client. I found the work so immediately healing and transformative, I knew it was a second calling. As I began to heal my own wounds in therapy and coaching, I started songwriting again. Shortly thereafter, some dear friends I wrote with in the UK signed with Sony, cut 10 of our co-writes, and the album went #1.


It felt as if the Universe was telling me – You can create music with good people who have integrity, and it will work.


I continued training as a coach, and over time, began combining my knowledge and skill sets as a lifelong industry insider and #1 award-winning songwriter and as a life coach specifically to serve songwriters and artists.

In facilitating this work, I hope to be the mentor now that I needed then. Supporting fellow songwriters in claiming their value and sovereignty as creators is an immense privilege, and I am so grateful to see, celebrate, and support others on this path.

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